
I am working at Avaloq, a provider of core banking software for primarily private banks and wealth managers since April 2023. I started my professional software development journey as a Java developer with Materna, a German IT consultancy, in 2019. Prior to this I spent 2 1/2 years as a Technology Analyst identifying strategically relevant technology and startups for corporate clients under the motto of build, partner, or invest.


After getting a GPS watch during a cyber Monday deal in 2020 I started running regularly. I had found 4:00/km a nice pace and after getting a 20 minute 5K in the bag I have extended this up to 10k and half marathon distances and finished Berlin Marathon 22 with a 4:01/ pace.

With good initial progress I am working to get to a nationally competitive level and to participate across long distance events in the Swedish championships.


Collection of text that I have come across that guide me in life, sport, and work.


(+49) 0176 5079 1824


13355, Berlin